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Metro’s latest passenger survey has found very high levels of satisfaction with bus services.
Metro’s Chairperson Lynn Mason said today it was very pleasing to note an improvement in
satisfaction levels across all aspects of Metro service covered by the survey.
The annual passenger survey of 600 passengers in June 2014 found that 81 per cent of
passengers were either very satisfied or satisfied with the service provided by bus drivers
and with personal safety on board buses.
It also found that 77 per cent were very satisfied or satisfied with the length of time it takes
to travel on Metro buses – up three per cent on last year’s result – and 75 per cent with the
cost to use the service, compared with 68 per cent in 2013.
“These are great results and compare very favourably with national benchmarks for public
transport,” Ms Mason said.
“We know we can always improve in some areas of service provision but all of Metro’s
employees can be justifiably proud of these results,” Ms Mason said.
There were also increases in passenger satisfaction with the frequency of services – from 54
per cent to 60 per cent – following the introduction of the high frequency service on the
Main Road corridor between Glenorchy and Hobart CBD.
The survey found that the majority of people used Metro bus services to go shopping (49
per cent) or go to work (32 per cent), while 23 per cent used the buses to travel to
transact personal business, 23 per cent used buses to visit friends or relatives, 22 per cent
used buses to access health or welfare services, and 21 per cent to reach entertainment or
About 10 per cent of Metro passengers used the bus to travel to school and 7 per cent for
University or TAFE.