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Disability Action Plan consultation meetings

Metro’s services are for everyone, and to help make our services as inclusive as possible, we host group consultation meetings in Hobart, Burnie and Launceston every three months to discuss Metro’s Disability Action Plan.

The primary goal of the Disability Action Plan Consultation Group is to provide a forum for customer input to ensure that the implementation of Metro’s Disability Action Plan (2011 – 2022) best meets the Plan’s objectives around providing services that are accessible to, and inclusive of all people, including people with disabilities.

The meetings will focus specifically on identifying access barriers to Metro’s services and facilities and identifying potential actions to remove barriers.

The meetings will therefore receive reports and engage in discussion around:

  • Current, emerging and/or potential public transport accessibility issues affecting people with disability or mobility issues
  • Key public transport projects, initiatives and strategies
  • Customer service and service improvements
  • Communication, information and consultation

Eligibility to attend the Disability Action Plan Consultation Group will be premised on four criteria:

  • people living with a disability or mobility issue
  • people caring for a person living with a disability or mobility issue
  • engagement with a peak body representing people living with a disability or mobility issue and/or
  • a professional role working with people living with a disability or mobility issue.

To register your interest in joining a meeting, please email, outlining how you meet the eligibility criteria, and whether you would like to attend in Hobart, Launceston or Burnie.