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We can’t make your kids get up the first time you call them. Or the second. Or the sixth. We can’t stop them staring at their phones when they’re supposed to be getting ready for school. But we can still make your morning a little easier.

Why complicate things? Metro operates hundreds of school and general access services that can get kids to school on time, safe and sound. With Greencard, students travel for just $1.44/trip to a maximum spend of $3.60/day.

Catching public transport is a great way for kids to take their first steps towards independence while commuting in a healthy, active way. Download the Metro App for your smartphone, and you can plan your kids’ trip to school, ensuring they’ll get there on-time, safe and sound. The app makes it easy to plan journeys, manage their Greencard, and see up to date network alerts.

Make mornings easier with Metro. Just take the bus.

Click here to learn the basics of getting on board

Click here to plan a journey using the Trip Planner

Click here to download the Metro app

Safety and security is at the forefront of our business. Teach kids to ask their driver if they are in doubt or need of assistance, because did you know…

  • every Metro bus driver holds a Working with Vulnerable People registration and is trained in safe driving practices;
  • all Metro buses are fitted with multiple CCTV cameras; and
  • we work closely with Tasmania Police to encourage social behaviour on our services.

Our customer service team is here to help you – contact us today on 13 22 01 or